Toyon Middle School Beautification and Garden Project
Planting Seeds to Create Change - Growing a Healthy Future
In the fall of 2009, the Toyon Student Council, Outdoor Projects Class, Leadership Class, Earth Club and Landscape/Gardening Class, in collaboration with the Toyon PTO initiated the Toyon Middle School Beautification and Gardening Project. It is a student, parent, staff and community driven program that has established three goals.
Program Goals
Develop healthy eating and physical activity habits at an early age.
Create a welcoming and beautifully landscaped campus for our students, staff, families and all others that use these facilities. (Soccer, Football etc.)
Establish a year round organic garden that provides fruit and vegetables for use at our school and to donate to local food banks.
Student Goals
This program designed to give our students the opportunity to get involved in hands on, project based activities that will give them valuable life and job skills. They will be able to work on projects that will directly benefit students, staff, parents, and community members. Students will initiate and be involved in all aspects of the program. They will generate ideas, plant gardens, move dirt, design and maintain landscapes, build structures, research native plants and ecosystems, create and update websites, fundraise, do public relations/community outreach, prepare and market food and learn the many benefits of eating healthy food and working hard.
Projects/Programs Completed and/or In Progress
Students run a school wide recycling program
Students have built 11 raised garden beds and maintain a year-round garden.
Over 2200 lbs of produce was harvested last year alone. Produce was used in nutrition and cooking classes, served to students and taken home by students to their families.
Students constructed a greenhouse and maintain it.
Students have landscaped the following areas:
The quad The office. New classrooms Between MPR and office
Art room Parking lot Slope by gym Greenhouse
Students assembled 16 new picnic tables.
Students assembled a Tool Shed and maintain tools.
Students have designed areas for future landscaping.
Students have repaired and installed irrigation systems.
Students have painted benches, railings and tables.
Students painted the mural on the food service structure.
Student Ideas For Future Projects
Paint benches Shade trees for sports fields Plant trees in Quad
Arbors Paint Railings Flower beds
Landscape front of School Water Fountain by Home-Ec Pumpkin Patch
Outdoor study areas School Wide Compost Program School signs
Native plants garden Groundcover on hills by courts Rock Water Feature
Cultural Garden Shade covering for bleachers Solar panels
Current Sponsors and Partners
TMS Parent Club Lowes Charitable Foundation Starbucks
The TORO Company Western Growers Foundation MarVal
The Resource Connection Cal Fertilizer Foundation FoCuS
Sierra Business Council CUSD Education Foundation Tri-Dam 4H
Junior Interact CUSD School Board LifeLAB
Rising Sun Nursery UC Cooperative Extension Outer Aisle Foods
Calaveras High School Valley Springs Elementary CalTrans
Jackson Lowes Valley Springs Home Center Project EAT
How You Can Help
We have received many generous material and cash donations to get these initial projects underway. Yet, to keep this program alive and thriving we will need your continued support. There are several ways in which you could help.
You can make a cash donation. Checks can be made out to Toyon Middle School Parent Club. Any size donation would be a huge help. You can drop them by the Toyon Office, put them in the donation box on Saturdays, or mail them to the school.
Toyon Middle School
C/O TMS Parent Club Beautification/Garden Project
3412 Double Springs Road
Valley Springs, CA 95252
You can donate any of the following equipment/ materials:
Shovels Rakes Safety Glasses
Work Gloves Planting Soil Wheelbarrow
Cinderblocks Landscape rock (all sizes) Wood Chips
Compost Soil Amendments PVC pipe/parts
Drip Tubing Garden Gloves 1” chicken wire
Seed Packets Hand Trowels Lumber
Please contact us with a list of the materials you have available and we will see what we need at that time. Thank You.
You can sign up to volunteer your time and skills on a project day or help one of our classes implement a landscape or garden project. This is a great way for parents and landscape or construction businesses to participate. Please contact Kevin at the following e-mail address:
You can share your ideas on projects you would like to see around campus.
Sign up on our e-mail list to get updates about project dates and/or needs.
These projects will benefit many members of our community. Our students, youth sports leagues and all others that use the campus for events will benefit from this program. We appreciate any and all contributions that you can make. We sincerely thank you for your support.